His photographic works primarily centers around long-term documentary projects and portrait photography. These projects serve as an exploration of the intricate interplay between political and economic structures within society. As demonstrated in his ongoing project "Skopunarfjørður," where he delves into the government's decision to expand infrastructure and its subsequent impact on Faroese society.
Niclas is available for editorial and commercial work worldwide.
Based in Hannover, Germany
Currently Near: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Awards, Talks, Exhibitions:
Canon Student Development Programm | 2024
True Picture Award Nomination | 2024
Sonntagsmatinee - Worldpress Photo Oldenburg | 2024
Vom Gewinnen und Verlierenn | Exhibitions 2023
Identity, Courage, Love | Exhibitions 2023
Niclas Tiedemann (*1995) is a German documentary photographer and filmmaker based in Hannover, Germany. He discovered his love for visual storytelling and has since dedicated his freelance work to exploring the intricate field of tension between politics and society in Germany and beyond.
Doel - a Village that Refused to Die
For over 40 years, Doel was marked for demolition to make way for the expanding Antwerp port. Despite this, the village has become a powerful symbol of resistance. After decades of fighting for its survival, it now seems that Doel might finally be saved.
This project isn’t just about a village fading away—it’s about the people who keep its spirit alive, even as the world around them changes.
1. Identity, Courage, Love, Hanover (DE)
2. Fotobus Slideshow, Les Rencontres D’Arles (FR)
3. Vom Gewinnen und Verlieren, Hanover (DE)
“Skopunarfjørður” explores the intricate dance between tradition and progress. The construction of tunnels that weave through t the Faroe Islands signifies a noteworthy departure from the islanders' traditional way of life. These infrastructure changes let the Faroese get closer together than ever before, but along comes an everlasting impact on society and culture.
ADHS am Arbeitsplatz
Sie zappelt so sehr, dass sie blaue Flecken bekommt. Er muss spazieren gehen, um sich zu fokussieren. Hier erzählen Menschen mit ADHS, wie sie ihre innere Unruhe in den Griff kriegen. Und welche Tools ihnen helfen.
Dein Wille geschehe
published Photo Essay: ATH
Athens is a remarkable city, offering an abundance of culture and timeless beauty. However, it also has another, less glamorous side. This side might appear a bit rougher and off the beaten tourist paths, but it is nonetheless ubiquitous. It boldly adorns the rooftops of the city, permeates the remotest corners, and winds its way through the subway tunnels.
The city has been shaped and molded by countless people to become what it is today. It's not just about giving space to one's own creativity, but rather about acting freely and reclaiming the right to participate in shaping public space.
Rolling city
Despite economic and geographical differences, European countries share a common trend of a growing freight transport sector, primarily on roads. This growth is not solely attributed to evolving production processes in industries, relying on quick and small-scale deliveries ("just in time"). Instead, both national and European-level policies favor road transport over rail.
In Germany alone, around 100,000 truck drivers search for parking spaces and overnight accommodations every evening. However, only about 70,000 drivers are successful in finding a spot for the night. The Rolling City project aims to provide insight into the lives of those residing in the small settlements that vanish when the sun rises.