Niclas Tiedemann                  
Niclas Tiedemann was born in 1995 in Lübeck, Germany. After completing his matura, he pursued education in economics, but he was already searching for a creative outlet in photography. To further strengthen his ability in visual storytelling, he applied to study Photojournalism at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hannover, beginning his studies in 2021.

His photographic works primarily centers around long-term documentary projects and portrait photography. These projects serve as an exploration of the intricate interplay between political and economic structures within society. As demonstrated in his ongoing project "Skopunarfjørður," where he delves into the government's decision to expand infrastructure and its subsequent impact on Faroese society.

Niclas is available for editorial and commercial work worldwide.

Based in Hannover, Germany

Awards, Talks, Exhibitions:

Canon Student Development Programm | 2024

True Picture Award Nomination | 2024

Sonntagsmatinee - Worldpress Photo Oldenburg | 2024

Vom Gewinnen und Verlierenn | Exhibitions 2023

Identity, Courage, Love | Exhibitions 2023

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ADHS am Arbeitsplatz 


Endlich produktiv arbeiten mit ADHS – so geht’s
Sie zappelt so sehr, dass sie blaue Flecken bekommt. Er muss spazieren gehen, um sich zu fokussieren. Hier erzählen Menschen mit ADHS, wie sie ihre innere Unruhe in den Griff kriegen. Und welche Tools ihnen helfen.